So you’re rolling out Feebee. Luckily Feebee is simple and intuitively built inside Slack. That means that the rollout is not a huge-overwhelming process like other tools. With Feebee it’s really fast, it takes minutes and not months.
The key thing is to communicate the use of Feebee to your company so people know why it’s being used and where to find it. Then you need to demonstrate the commitment to a feedback culture.
Here’s how you do those things…
Start at the top:
The CEO or Head of People should send a message to the company explaining why feedback is on the agenda, and why it’s crucial:
"Company culture is incredibly important to us here at (insert company name). We want to ensure a people-positive environment and help every person fulfil their potential and succeed. To help us we are introducing Feebee, which is an intuitively designed feedback tool, that helps us to get better and more impactful feedback, all inside of Slack. You can add it to your Slack apps and start using it from today.
In order to get things flowing we’ve created our overall company guidelines for how often feedback should happen, I encourage you all to create and stick to feedback rituals as a team. Take our guidelines and then make them work for you. We encourage asynchronicity."
Create your company rituals and have them ready on your internal Wiki.
Now, move on to the Leaders:
Get all of your leaders to role model and be ambassadors for the feedback culture. Every leader should request a feedback from their team on their leadership skills. By doing this the leaders of the organisation are demonstrating and showing a commitment to the feedback culture. This will inspire honesty and encourage everyone to ask for feedback.
Make sure you help leaders to accept feedback graciously and as a gift. Even if it initially hurts, it will help them in the long run.
Encourage everyone to participate:
Now that all leaders are taking it seriously, all other people will be keen to get started. So keep talking about it (in company wide meetings) and encourage everyone to give or request feedback.